Serve Those Who Served You: Veteran’s Month Partnership!

Support Our Veterans

Bravery.  Commitment.  Sacrifice. 

Our American Veterans gave up the comfort of their everyday lives at home, leaving their family and friends behind, to serve the United States of America!

Dan and Laura Hawley profiles: Veteran owners of Ambiance DesignNovember is Veteran’s Month, a time to recognize, honor, support, and thank those who served our country to fight for and keep our freedoms.  Laura and Dan Hawley, owners of Ambiance Design and both former Air Force Veterans, strive to support our Veterans, be them valued clients or simply friendly neighbors.  That is why, every November, Ambiance Design chooses a local Veteran’s Foundation or Organization to support. During the entire month of November, Ambiance Design donates $100 of every qualified project to the Veteran’s Organization of our choice.  We have previously supported ­­­5 Star Women, as well as The Travis Manion Foundation of Doylestown.  However, this year, we were presented another opportunity, just a few steps outside our door, right here in Blue Bell.

We are excited to announce that this November we will be supporting The Veteran’s Resource Center of Montgomery County Community College!

Montgomery County Community College logo

A New “Normal”

After serving in various locations around the world, and coming back with many unique experiences: some terrifying, grueling, difficult, but all impactful and unique, it many times is hard for Veterans to get back to their “normal” way of life.  Even more challenging is to enroll in college connecting with younger students who will never quite understand and relate with someone who served overseas or in the States.

Comfort & Connections at the Resource Center

front and back of MONTCO's Veteran Resource center "challenge" token

The college saw the importance of helping student Veterans settle in, adjust, and thrive in this new stage of their life.  Thus, it started the Veteran’s Resource Center, who’s mission is to “assist in the transition to college and deliver tangible tools and services to optimize academic success leading to graduation and employment opportunity.” It is a place on campus that is solely for Veterans to be able to come in, connect with one another, and complete their studies while developing friendships with others who have a better sense of what they have experienced while serving the US.

Veteran Student Opportunities

MONTCO's Veteran students on the Mindfulness Retreat in woods

Montgomery County Community College currently has 300 Veterans enrolled, and has a couple of programs and opportunities of involvement for Veteran students, unlike other nearby colleges.  There is a Veteran’s club, where students can hold fundraisers, get involved in the community and on campus, and meet regularly.  There also is the annual Mindfulness Retreat that is offered to Veteran Students at MONTCO.  This retreat, up in the Poconos, focuses on connecting your body and mind in various activities such as meditation, hiking, yoga, journaling, scavenger hunts, and group discussions.  20 students are able to attend this weekend long adventure with all expenses covered by the college and the support that was raised in fundraisers and donations.  This has always been such a positive experience and something Mike Brown, the Coordinator of the Veterans Services, along with the students look forward to every year!

Support Significance

moment of silence by the American flag at MONTCO to support our veterans

Walking through the doors of Montgomery County Community College, I was met by Brad Smith, the Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Programs, who was excited and truly grateful for my visit stating “It’s not every day someone calls us up and says that they want to sponsor our college and Veteran’s Center!”  He expressed that while they do have some generous donors, there is ALWAYS a need to support our veterans.  The more sponsors, scholarships, and donations received, the more resources can be provided to their growing Veteran enrollment.

People are sensitive with their money, and that is understandable.  We want to make sure that what we are giving is going to the cause, the mission, and is actually making a difference.  At MONTCO, there are so many ways that our donations from every client project can help the Veteran’s house and its students:

  • Help raise funds to cover the costs of the Mindfulness Retreat
  • Provide scholarships for individual Veteran students to pursue an education
  • Support the Jesse Hodge’s Memorial Scholarship
  • Financial aid for supplies, materials, remodeling at Veteran’s Center

Make the Difference

This November gives you the perfect opportunity to not just support any cause, but to support our veterans directly.  Help make the difference in your very own community to  some deserving students!

It is the giving season, so if you have been thinking about updating your space in your home with window treatments, give us a call to schedule a consultation to help us give your dream home while making the dreams of our Veteran neighbors come true!

For more ways to donate to MONTCO’s Veteran Resource center, contact Mike Brown at 215.619.7307 or by emailing!

MONTCO's 2017 Veteran Student retreat team along Appalachian Trail in Poconos

Thank You!!