Pillow Pointers! How to Tastefully Decorate Your Space

I just can’t put my finger on it?

This is a common thought that happens after decorating or styling your home.  Something is missing, you just don’t know what.  Stop pondering, and put your finger on a pillow!  Throw and decorative pillows make your furniture come alive with color, dimension, and style, giving your space a whole new look and inviting you and your guests to sit down, get comfy, and stay awhile.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look at the transformation I did and what you can do too with our Eastern Accents Bedding line available at Ambiance Design.

Boring & Blah

While this is a nice, white sofa, and probably comfy too, I know you will agree that it is kind-of boring and could use some pillows.  However, with so many options of color, design, patterns, size, and shape, it can be a tad bit overwhelming as to how to tastefully decorate that “naked” white sofa in your family room.

Tasteful Tips for Decorative Pillows


Pick a color scheme that works well with your space, and stick to it. One color of multiple patterns and designs, or complimentary colors work well and look great!


Symmetrical arrangement gives off a sense of belonging and avoids the busy, overcrowded look.


While symmetry is good in colors and numbers, you DO want a little bit of variety in the shape and design. Within that color scheme, find complimentary patterns, solids, and simple designs.  Solid colors are nice for that bold look and then that color can be pulled into the pillows with designs and patterns.   Or, if you want to use contrasting colors for your variety, it is best to then stick with solid patterns.

Big to Small:

Keep the bigger pillows to the outside of the piece of furniture and work your way in with smaller ones to not overrule the space of the sofa. After all, pillows are supposed to be comfortable, not inconvenient!

Boring to Beautiful

After learning these tips, I went ahead and searched for some decorative pillows with Eastern Accents, (our line of bedding we carry here for you to order from Ambiance Design!) to add to the sofa…digitally hah

Check it out 🙂

You can never go wrong with blue!  What do you guys think?

Seasonal Décor

Overtime, you may want to change it up a bit in your home, giving your space a fresh, new look.  One quick, easy, and cost effective way, is to switch out your throw pillows.  The holidays are a great time to do this.  Perhaps you’ve got your lights, trees, trains, and figurines, but something is still missing.  Decorative pillows could be that final touch!

Take a look at how this sofa transforms by changing up the colors to compliment the Season!

If you like what you saw and are looking to do the same in your home, then give us a call at 267.898.0200 and set up a consultation to pick out your Eastern Accents throw pillows, comforters, bedding, shams, and more!  Unbelievably beautiful designs for your unique style and preference.

Visit our website to see other bedding projects we have done for clients and let us know your thoughts in a comment 🙂